Saturday, 28 April 2007

The Politics of Truth

It seems that slowly and subtly the Estonian government is losing the information war with Russia - at least from the point of view of those on the outside looking in. The Estonian posture of indignation at the lawlessness on the streets of Tallinn has been poorly reinforced and the Russian point of view about the humiliation of the anti-fascist liberators is prevailing. A quick scan of the main western media sources shows lip service being paid to the Estonian stance but mostly the Russian viewpoint is muscling its to the top of the heap.

From the domestic standpoint it is Russian-based media that completely dominates for Russian speakers. The state broadcaster, ETV, airs a Russian language news bulletin every evening but this is simply a rehash of an earlier Estonian programme. I have long contended that a parallel Russian language channel operated by ETV would have taken a large step to integrating Estonia's minority population. Anything that would offer a buffer to the blatant propaganda coming out of Russia. But that's an opportunity missed.

Simply occupying the moral high ground and expressing outrage is not a satisfactory endgame.

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